Friday, April 16, 2010

Eight things that tick me off

I wasn’t sure what to blog about but it seems like a list of ‘Ten Things I Hate’ will get you places. A case in point is Chris Crocker or that flamboyant black guy on youtube that hates skinny jeans. The only problem is that I could only think of eight things at the moment that annoy me. Either I’m more tolerant than I thought, or I can’t seem to remember the many things that have pushed my buttons. So here goes.

8. The TV Show ‘Frasier’

7. Anything Ed Hardy . I once saw an Ed Hardy hair straightener with shitty rainbow puke designs.

6. When people use the letter K instead of C for kiddy stuff… like ‘Kidz Klub’. Then they try to correct the improper spelling of cat.

5. When people ask if they can try what you are eating, but they end up taking such a huge amount that they might as well just have all of it. Then after sampling your food, they stare at what you’re eating and you can tell they want more.

4. Bob Saget’s face

3. When people say “you’re a racist’ … instead of ‘you’re racist”. I don’t care which one is correct… calling someone ‘a racist’ just sounds so much harsher.

2.The stupid girls on the show ‘16 and pregnant’ that are all excited to have their babies, then immediately regret it once their kids are born. "

I didn’t think a baby would prevent me from doing the things I want to do…. I wish I had it later”.

One word. Starts with an A and rhymes with smishsmorsion.

1.My passport picture that actually makes me look like a Mexican boy with a jerry curl.

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