Thursday, April 15, 2010

In This Sport, It's All About How You Stack Up Against the Competition. Get it!?

Some kids play hockey, others play basketball or soccer; fat kids in America like to build pyramids out of Dixie cups and call that a sport.

But it’s actually much worse than I thought and it’s scary how nutty these kids get over ‘sport stacking’. I’m just really glad it didn’t take off here in Canada; clearly the only sport that requires Dixie cups here is beer pong, everybody knows that.

Here’s the link to the original article:

But all you have to read are these ‘highlights’ that I picked out from it:

“Steven, today a slight 11-year-old, was mobbed like a rock star last weekend as he strode through the World Sport Stacking Championships at the Denver Coliseum in his blue Team USA shirt. Squealing girls pressed close to have their pictures taken with him; little kids asked for autographs; a film crew from Singapore cornered him for interviews

All the highlighted words, I feel, should not appear anywhere in an article about sport stacking.

“Mr. Fox's company, Speed Stacks Inc., sells the only officially sanctioned tournament cups, as well as weighted training cups, dexterity-building minicups, slick stacking mats, precision timers and special backpacks to hold everything.”

“Many competitors believe cup-stacking should be recognized as an Olympic sport.”

Anyway…I was just a little disturbed by all this and thought I’d share.

On the bright side, the Morning Benders are really cool because they put us on their guest list to their sold out show last night.

Balance is restored.

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